Katherine the Monomaniac

Katherine’s sex life is like a wax figure left out in the sun too long—no, let me rephrase that—a duo of wax figures, and let’s just say they are caught is some naughty position or another. It would be a ghastly sight, them strewn out on the lawn for all the neighbors to see, bodies melting into one another, their features disfigured and sagging, eyes blending into lips. Yes, for Katherine it really has become that hideous of an ordeal—her memories, like those figures, just as indistinguishable. In every way it has been not rich or fulfilling, but bloated—that uncomfortable swelling of the stomach that leaves you feeling unattractive and arouses a series of sensory embarrassments. I’ll dare say, she should have watched her intake.
Oh Katherine, it perplexes me as to where exactly she went wrong. Was it with Brandon, or Travis, or Arman, or Amir, or Carlos, or Jean-Paul, or Cedrick, or was it Fredrick—oh yes there was Cedrick and Fredrick—and there was Keith, and Paul, and Otto, and Roberto, and Igor, and Edward or was it Edwardo? It was Edward, and then Isaac, Robin…why I can’t remember them all. But by God, does this woman not discriminate! What a burden it is to remember! Oh, but women must, even in these modern times, truly, because our men always want to know and when they demand our answers, we must tell them something. Perhaps it is better we spread falsehoods to cover up those wilder days. I’m not sure why it bothers them so. Perhaps it’s because men are so adventurers at heart, always wanting to traverse unmarked territory, or like Robert Frost’s poem—you know the one— they aspire to take “The Road Not Taken”. However, in this case, there’s greater risk in taking the road more trodden as opposed to the untamed, what with those pesky diseases around! Or perhaps it’s because of their temperamental egos. Having to compete for the champion spot is much less of a challenge with only two competitors rather than with fourteen or twenty-two, or in the case of Katherine only God could say. I’m afraid I don’t have a clear answer for why men seem to value a women’s chastity so much. Who knows exactly why it is, only that it is, and that we must live with what is irrespective of how things came to be or ought to be…or we must find a man who is both up for a challenge but wants to take the more journeyed road. What a devilish contradiction indeed! But to think of it, are loose women a challenge to begin with? Not initially, but in the long-run I should say yes…that’s if the man cares about how well he pleases her. But do men really care how much we enjoy ourselves as long as they do? Why my own husband…Oh I do amuse myself, spinning my head in circles, but I really should get on with it.
Now where was I? Oh yes, where Katherine went wrong. Well now, since I can’t remember his name I’ll just have to refer to him as Peter. Peter was a stallion indeed. He gave Katherine an awakening, showed her unimaginable pleasures, and this consequently released an indefatigable appetite within her. He was only her second partner and he had no problem seducing her with his chiseled features and sturdy frame. But I’m sure she would tell you otherwise, that it had nothing to do with his looks but his impeccable attention to detail and capacity to read her mind.
Oh but those carnal affairs are fleeting most assuredly. You can never count on them, I say, just like when you’ve hired a new cook. But I do digress… Shall I continue? Oh yes, see when Peter was through with Katherine it left a void in her. Afterward, she was always looking for a substitute, and while some of them she fancied quite well, Peter was incomparable in his talent. She became quite the monomaniac in her quest. Every night she’d go gallivanting off to all sorts of squalid venues, the seediest of dive bars, dragging them back home like curs.
She experienced every variety of beasts in her chambers, but as soon as they’d leave she would already feel hungry for the next. She had no problem getting them to come. Katherine was by no means a perfect beauty, but she knew how to paint her face to transform herself into something more desirous and she knew what garments best elicited that type of attention.
Oh Katherine, she started as such a bright girl. What a waste of potential! This predilection for the flesh became so consuming that she was terminated from her employer. Not only was she not performing well as she slept very little, management feared that she was a sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to happen the way she flirted with all the other male employees and the way they spoke vulgarities about her when she wasn’t present but could very well be.
If she didn’t find new employment, it became clear that she’d soon be homeless. At first the idea of not having a place to bring her conquests to agitated her greatly, and then she realized she had no need to have her own property. She could always go to their residence and afterwards sleep in their beds and use their showers in the morning. Her car could supply sufficient storage and the rest could be sold. The new situation was no trouble at all but only meant more freedom. Without a job Katherine could now pursue men around the clock.
Of course she needed some money to pay for her daily expenses and other necessities. This is why Katherine decided to cease attending lowlife establishments and instead loitered expensive hotel bars and lobbies, golf courses, and luxury car dealerships. She used the last of her unemployment money not on rent but on a new wardrobe. To her it was an investment. She needed the right uniform to lure them in. Moreover, she quite exhausted the resources at the local dive bars and was open to the idea of new talent. She was quite pleased with her sagaciousness for being able to find an alternative source of income that also allowed her to do what she loved most.
She kept her homelessness a secret and told every one of them that her place was being renovated and was unfit for company. No one would know by her immaculate clothes and the way her hair was persistently in curls. Even her car was clean as she stored all her belongings in just her trunk.
She didn’t care if they were older or if they were married. The married ones met her at hotels on false business trips and were more likely to bestow grandiose gifts to maintain her attention. If possible, she would return these gifts from where they came and only after time she’d say that she preferred cash.
Some felt uncomfortable with the idea, but as she had them wrapped around her finger and they were already quite attached to her engagement with them, or arrangement I should say, they agreed to pay without argument in fear of insulting her. Others preferred it as they found it to be less effort to meet her approval. And though she never made it explicit, from the moment they met her, they knew one way or the other that her company would not come for free. They could tell by the way she carried herself, by her youth, and more importantly the lack of reason as to why she’d be interested in them. It was only Gabriel who saw her in a more, how should I say, direct light.
They had just finished a most rigorous exertion at a Hilton when he took his ring from the dresser and put it back on. Oh it is despicable behavior really, but at least he had enough tact to not let his ring touch the interiors of another woman. As he was tying up the laces of his shoes he asked Katherine, without looking at her, what he owed her.
“Excuse me?” she asked taken aback.
“What do I owe you,” he repeated.
“You don’t owe me anything. I accept only gifts.”
“Let’s not pretend this is something it isn’t.” His voice was dry and had nothing of the saccharine, doting tone she was used to.
“We’re just two adults having sex. I know you’re not my boyfriend. I don’t know what I’ve done to make you think I want more.”
“You’re telling me you’re not a hooker?”
“Of course not!”
“I’m sorry, do you prefer escort?”
“Please, I’m not at all.”
“Look, I’ve got to go,” he said as he turned towards the door. By the fidgeting of his hand in his pocket, one could see he was contemplating leaving the money on the table but decided against it. “Checkout is at eleven,” he said upon departure. “I trust you to leave by then.”
To be treated in such a way caused Katherine much distress. In her mind she was far from a prostitute. She never went about advertising herself as something that could be purchased at an hourly rate. She never asked for more than they were willing to give on their own accord. And what she received in return from her many rotating boyfriends was merely a stipend. She was not profiting at all, but surviving. It wasn’t any more money than what would be given or spent hypothetically on a girlfriend and she saw no difference between herself and a stay-at-home wife when it came to receiving benefits. At least a housewife had a suitable home. If the difference was on principle of love, well then she loved to be pleasured.
She understood more than anyone the instability of her life. It was not something she wanted to keep up forever. Yes, you may be surprised by this, but she had her own visions of settling down, that is, as soon as she found herself a Peter equivalent. It would have to be someone of his caliber, who could understand her body as well as he had, that she would be able to give up her freedom for. Anything less and she knew that she’d grow bitter with resentment, that her constancy would be compromised. There would be no chance of a lasting partnership with Peter perpetually in her head. She would be committing constant adultery, in fantasy and in full…frequently even. She knew she’d be unable to give up her hunt if she were still unsatisfied.
 She thought of Peter almost all hours of the day, and the time spent with other men was her only real reprieve from that fixation, even though after it would leave a bitter aftertaste of disappointment in her mouth. Still pleasure was better than none at all.
Oh Katherine, it breaks my heart really. Any passerby could see that her methods were futile. She’d have been better off staying employed and instead being more selective. This exchange of money and gifts made the men she was with selfish. They did not care much if she enjoyed herself while there was a fee involved. What motivation did they have to try their best when everyone involved knew that these were transient relationships? She hoped that they’d show improvement, but it was always the contrary. The more they invested the less effort they gave.
Katherine went back down to the hotel’s bar, not to scout for more men, but because she was legitimately sad and wanted something to drink. Over a martini, she contemplated the state of her life. Gabriel’s impudence made Katherine pause, at least to stop and strategize. Under the present circumstances she was profiting poorly in both income and pleasure. Why if she were an actual whore at least she’d be making a decent living. For a moment she contemplated becoming one, but then promptly dismissed it from her mind. There was one thing that separated her too greatly from that profession. She was more interested in her own pleasure than supplying it to others. She would have to obey their every request. It would make more sense for her to order prostitutes for herself, but that would not be within her finances. Even if she found her Peter replacement by someone as experienced as a gigolo, it would be difficult to settle down with one, and she’d have to supply a large enough income to support the two of them. That was a very far-fetched idea indeed, especially in regard to how she had always been able to hardly support herself. Perhaps the solution lay in picking up a young one, a boy straight out of high school that would adore her and follow her every request. But that idea fled her mind just as quickly. There was nothing sexy about having a slave, a malleable boy to do your every bidding. No, what Katherine really wanted was a man with skill, who had the talent of a professional without being one. A man who could read her body, memorize it, and where she’d never have to teach a thing.
 Katherine began to see how ill-conceived her plan was. She thought older men would have more experience and therefore more skill. But what she got were men who got tired quickly and were not as attractive. The income she received from them was a penance, something that on second thought was really given more as an apology for their lack of ability than anything. Having more hours in the day was really no service in fostering the acquisition of more men because the men who had money to give were harder to find than those curs of her former dive bar days. Katherine felt utter destitution in her failure to find a replacement and inability to think of a better plan. In fact, she had thought of giving up. She had imagined a whole other life for herself, an honest one, back at a boring job where she’d find a nice boyfriend who was mediocre in bed but at least helped support her. But then, looking to her left, she saw at the end of bar Peter drinking a beer to himself and watching the game. Was it really him, she wondered. She felt her heart skip a beat. The fluttering in her stomach was unbearable. She knew that she must approach him but couldn’t think what to say. Seeing him with those same dark eyes, and robust, youthful veneer, she knew she had to have him again. She had to make him hers. To Katherine’s relief, but also inconvenience, he was the first to speak.
“Katherine is that you?”
I say inconvenience only because Katherine was still out of breath. She paused for a moment to regain her composure before responding. “Peter is that you?”
After the acknowledgement that each was who they thought, Peter asked to sit next to her. Oh it how difficult it was for Katherine to conceal her enthusiasm.
“I’ve thought about you,” he said.
“I’ve thought of you as well,” she answered. Oh if he only knew how much he’d be off at once! But as it was, it was clear that he was feasting on her with his eyes.
“We had some great times, am I right?”
It took everything Katherine had in her to not pounce on him right then and there. She briefly licked her lower lip before answering, “How could I forget?”
“And while we had a lot of fun, I want to let you know that I’ve changed. I’m not that same guy anymore. I have more that I’m interested in now. You were always really…really chill to talk to…” Now I could finish this oh so articulate speech of his, but it doesn’t entirely matter. Katherine was so overwhelmed with lust that she could scarcely listen anyways.
“I want to apologize for how things ended,” he continued. It was quite audacious of him to even bring it up. The way he left was like an ellipses. He just left, no explanation, and she never heard from him again. She went to his residence but it had already been vacated. She had no idea where he went off to and after searching vigorously every internet resource, it was evident that he must have been insincere in giving his name. But it’d be of no advantage to Katherine if she were to scold him now on the issue. The best way to make amends was not in words but in actions, and she had those quite explicitly in mind.
“Well I think I know a way you can it up to me,” she said, her voice rich and seductive.
Now I can give you the particulars of what happened next in that hotel, but I think you can very well imagine for yourself. What I will say, however, was that it was just as satisfying as she remembered. It had lost none of its potency, of its intensity and vibrancy. Oh how that hotel must have shook. But I’ll get on with it…
Now, to give you an account of the extent of their relationship, you should know that Katherine instantly quit her little side business. There was no point of maintaining that now. She reinstated herself at a similar job and while it was dull work, she had him to look forward to in the evenings. They went on dates, they talked about their days, and did all that you’d expect from your average couple.
Katherine in this way was able to see a new side to him. She enjoyed the way he laughed, the way he was considerate of her feelings and needs, and how he was particular about trifles like how he liked his bagels—pumpernickel with two dollops of cream cheese only. These were pleasures unknown to her, ones that she had never before felt the need to participate in. Katherine believed with conviction in her sense of hierarchy, but now that the sexual requisites were fulfilled, she could think of indulging other more elaborate emotions like love and companionship. And I do admit, for a while, Katherine had these with him.
It was not an easy transition. There were other duties involved, duties she was greatly unaccustomed to like cooking and cleaning. She labored and toiled for him, or at least she felt as though she was doing so. But these were tolerable drudgeries when she was rewarded with his body.
She was inexperienced with the art of communication and they fought often and in the bedroom did she enjoy making up. But as their relationship was so dependent on it for its survival, Peter one day decided to have a talk after they had finished.
“Does it ever occur to you that maybe we have too much sex.”
“I don’t understand,” she said. “How is it too much when we always enjoy it?”
“The sex is amazing…don’t get me wrong…but I mean…we do it like almost every chance we get. I feel like we don’t spend enough time getting to know each other. I don’t feel like I know a lot about you.”
“What would you like to know?”
“Well like how many boyfriends have you had?”
“Well I guess you’re my first one.”
“That’s it?”
            “I mean I’ve had other things but I never called them my boyfriend.”
“Well then how many partners have you had?
            “I don’t think I know.”
“What do you mean you don’t know?”
“I don’t know what to tell you.”
He took her by the hand and said, “Look, it’s okay. You can just be honest about it. I won’t judge.”
            “I mean I can’t count. I lost track.” At that he released her hand.
“Like in the fifties?”
“Perhaps more, who’s to say? I don’t think I could even give you an estimate.”

Oh Katherine, there never was a more singular woman. Her nature confounds me so. Where she got her principles from, I can’t tell you at all. In my day she would have been shamed to suicide many partners ago. Even in these modern times, I imagine she receives little sympathy if any. I suppose it’s a good thing then that she isolates herself from company and with that judgement. There’s only one person’s opinion that matters to her. Oh how I wish she’d just given him a reasonable lie like fifteen or twenty-four. It seems he tried his best to be accepting, but I can only imagine how his brain was tormented with curiosity and how infuriating it must have been that she didn’t even have the courtesy, or worse the ability, to keep count. “Does sex mean everything to her or anything to her? Am I in love with a woman or a fiend? I’m sure these were recurring questions of his.

Oh Katherine is in a dire state, I assure you. She spends her evenings now crying in front of the television, watching ideal versions of love and romance. When he left it also took away her purpose in life. What has she to do now? After years and years of searching, she can’t get herself to take up the quest again, nor can she reconcile the idea of making house for anyone else, not when there would be no way to reap the fruits of her labor. The idea of being anyone else’s girlfriend or wife to her is inconceivable. She is simply married to her memories.
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