Budding Breasts
Avery was walking home from middle school with two of her friends, Jacky and Kayla. They were in the
midst of a conversation making fun of their English school teacher, Mrs. Davis.
midst of a conversation making fun of their English school teacher, Mrs. Davis.
Avery had blondish-brown hair, and though she was tall for her age, she was still in every other way
undeveloped as far as being in seventh grade went. This did not stop Avery from being the leader of her
group and they looked to her for her opinions. As far as they were concerned, she was the standard for
them to follow suit.
undeveloped as far as being in seventh grade went. This did not stop Avery from being the leader of her
group and they looked to her for her opinions. As far as they were concerned, she was the standard for
them to follow suit.
“It’s like did she even bother to read it?” Jacky asked.
“I bet she keeps asking us what the plot is so she doesn’t have to,” said Avery.
“I bet you’re right,” Kayla agreed.
Kayla was Avery’s number two, as they had been friends the longest. Kayla’s mom was in good standing with
Avery’s and on Sunday afternoon after church, they’d come over to each other’s backyard for lemonade or iced
Avery’s and on Sunday afternoon after church, they’d come over to each other’s backyard for lemonade or iced
“Hey can you give us a ride?” a greasy teenage guy asked from across the street. He had his own group of
equally greasy friends dressed in dirty, ripped jeans and band T-shirts.
equally greasy friends dressed in dirty, ripped jeans and band T-shirts.
Avery and her friends hadn’t noticed them until then, sitting idly on their driveway. The other two looked
to her terrified.
to her terrified.
“Uh…Does it look like we can drive?” Avery barked back at them.
“There’s always a bitch one,” one of the other greasy dudes said slyly and his friends laughed as if on cue.
Avery flipped him off and kept walking. When they looked behind them after walking a little further, just tomake sure they weren’t being followed, all four of the greasy boys were still flipping them off back.
“How was school?” Avery’s mom, Lorna, asked when she got home. It was her usual question. Lorna, like
Avery, was flat-chested. She was tall, thin and rigid. She had dyed blonde hair that she always kept in loose curls.
Avery, was flat-chested. She was tall, thin and rigid. She had dyed blonde hair that she always kept in loose curls.
The two of them had a strong resemblance and it was Lorna’s constant fear that her daughter would grow up to have
the same defect of small breasts and every day she grew more anxious about it. Unlike Avery, Lorna hid this fact about
herself to the public by wearing high necklines and extra padded bras.
Avery usually answered these types of questions back with terse, one word responses, but today was a
different kind of day. She had been called a bitch, and not by another girl in one of her classes, but by strange,
older teenage boys. She felt proud of herself for standing up to them. She felt more mature, older too.
Did they really think she could be old enough to drive?
different kind of day. She had been called a bitch, and not by another girl in one of her classes, but by strange,
older teenage boys. She felt proud of herself for standing up to them. She felt more mature, older too.
Did they really think she could be old enough to drive?
“Some weirdos asked us for a ride,” Avery answered.
“Who asked you?”
“I don’t know. Some teenage guys.”
“You didn’t talk to them did you?”
“I told them no.”
“Sweetie, just don’t talk to them at all. Don’t say anything. I should talk to Jenny about us taking turns to pick
you girls up.”
you girls up.”
“It’s not a big deal.” Avery regretted her decision to tell her mom anything. Whatever recognition she was
seeking was a mistake. Avery took off her backpack and set it on the dining room table, like an eyesore to the
clean, shiny surface of the polished wood.
seeking was a mistake. Avery took off her backpack and set it on the dining room table, like an eyesore to the
clean, shiny surface of the polished wood.
“Look honey, you’re at the age now where boys are starting to notice you.”
“I think they just wanted a ride, Mom.”
“Look, anything can happen. You’re young, you’re pretty. You need to be careful.”
“You think like, they thought I was cute or something?”
“Yes, dear.”
“That’s weird.”
“It’s not weird. You’re developing into a young lady now. I’m calling Jenny tomorrow and one of us will pick youup.”
“Why would they think I’m cute? I’m like twelve. I don’t even have boobs yet!”
Avery got a good look at the hurt expression on her mom’s face. She knew how sensitive she was about her
chest. It was annoying really. She was always saying things like, “I hope one day you get some breasts of your
own and don’t end up like me.” A long awkward silence followed after.
chest. It was annoying really. She was always saying things like, “I hope one day you get some breasts of your
own and don’t end up like me.” A long awkward silence followed after.
“I didn’t mean it like that, Mom.”
“It’s fine. It’s not your fault. Just put away your things and get your homework started.”
Avery blamed herself about not getting to walk home anymore, but she felt better when she found out
she wasn’t the only one who had blabbed about what happened. Jacky told her mom too. So when
Jenny came the next day in her black sedan, it was no surprise to any of them.
she wasn’t the only one who had blabbed about what happened. Jacky told her mom too. So when
Jenny came the next day in her black sedan, it was no surprise to any of them.
“Hi Mom,” Kayla said as they opened the door to the vehicle.
The ride home was bland. Supervised conversations were never fun, especially when parents tried to
join them.
join them.
“Learn anything at school?” Jenny asked.
“Not really,” Kayla answered.
“So you didn’t learn anything?”
“How about you girls?”
“We didn’t learn anything either.”
“How is it that none of you learned a thing?”
“Because Mrs. Davis is stupid,” Avery said.
“What about your other teachers?”
“They’re stupid too.”
“Avery, I think we need to get you a tutor. Your grades are dropping and Jenny says you’re not learning
anything in school.”
anything in school.”
They were at the dinner table on a Thursday night.
“Is that true?” Avery’s dad, Michael, asked.
“My grades are okay.”
“Why are your grades dropping then?” Avery’s mom questioned.
“Because I’m bored.”
“See, it’s just that she’s not being challenged enough,” interjected her dad.
“Well then what should we do?”
“You guys don’t need to do anything.”
“They have that tutoring afterschool program,” Avery’s mom said. “How about you join it?”
“I’d be done way after Jacky and Kayla and then who would pick me up?”
There was silence for a while and everyone ate their carrots, mashed potatoes, and steak.
“Well maybe you could still do it and you could just walk home,” her dad suggested.
“By herself?” her mom asked in alarm.
“There’s dangerous boys,” Avery explained dryly.
“Did I miss something?”
“Mom’s just trying to find a way to punish me for making fun of her breasts.”
“That is not what this is about!”
“Mom, I’m sorry I accidentally made you feel bad. Do I still have to go to tutoring?”
“I’d like you to go.”
Avery mixed all her food together on her plate. It was something she did when she was upset.
“We forgot to bless the food,” Avery’s mom said quietly after some time.
“I don’t know what to do about her,” Lorna confided to Michael when they were getting ready for bed.
“I mean she’s really got some nerve.”
“I mean she’s really got some nerve.”
“I’m sorry honey. She’s just going through a phase. Your breasts are fine.”
“You know I’ve never thought that.” She was standing in the mirror pushing what little breasts she had
up with her hands in clear disappointment.
up with her hands in clear disappointment.
“I know, but I like them, and I wish you would too.”
“It might sound drastic…but I was thinking about getting implants.”
“You don’t need them and besides, where would we get the money?”
“Well there is Avery’s college fund…”
“You can’t be serious.”
“It’s just for now. I’ll get a job and replace the money after, but Michael this is something I need to do.”
“How is this going to look to Avery?”
“She’ll just have to understand.”
When Avery came home after school, she could tell something was up. The house was even cleaner
than normal and her mom had this strange, unnatural smile on her face.
than normal and her mom had this strange, unnatural smile on her face.
She could smell lemons and by the pitcher on the counter, she could see that her mom had made the
fresh squeezed lemonade she usually reserved for Sundays.
fresh squeezed lemonade she usually reserved for Sundays.
“Are you thirsty? Would you like some?” She had on a pink dress, too formal for just wearing around
the house.
the house.
Avery accepted the lemonade. “Is everything okay?”
“Yes, sweetie, I just have something to talk to you about.”
Avery took a seat at the table and her mom sat across from her after pouring herself her own glass.
“I’m thinking of starting a new stage of my life.”
“Are you two getting a divorce?”
“Oh, heavens, no. It’s not that at all. In fact it’s not even bad news. It’s actually good news. It means
your mom will start being happier about herself.”
your mom will start being happier about herself.”
“I don’t care if you want to go to therapy. I just don’t want to go with. Jacky tried that with her mom
and it sounded really annoying.”
and it sounded really annoying.”
“No, I’m not getting that type of help. But I will be seeing the doctors to make some….changes to my
At that Avery understood. “Mom, if you want to get a boob job, you don’t need my permission.”
“So you’re not mad?”
“Why would I be mad?”
“Well, we’ve noticed that you haven’t started developing like the other girls-“
“Ewe, you talk about that?”
“Well your dad is who I talk to about my concerns.”
“What you think I’m going to be jealous or something?”
“It’s not that. We just didn’t know how you would react to this.”
“If you’re unhappy with your boobs, fine, fix them. Just leave my boobs alone!” She stormed off to her
Avery was at a sleepover with Jacky and Kayla at Kayla’s house. They all had on their pajamas.
Avery got up to look at herself in Kayla’s large mirror. It was a new version of the old-fashioned type and had
its own stand. “Should I have more breasts than this? I mean, I know you guys do, but should I?”
its own stand. “Should I have more breasts than this? I mean, I know you guys do, but should I?”
“I don’t know. I don’t see why it matters yet,” Jacky answered.
“But what happens when it matters?”
“Well like, I don’t know. Maybe you’ll get a butt instead. I heard some guys like those better,” Kayla said while
fluffing out her pillow.
fluffing out her pillow.
“I guess I could get a butt. But what if I don’t get that either?”
“Well then, you’re tall, you could be a model. Most runway models have no curves. My mom watches fashion
shows on the internet,” said Jacky.
shows on the internet,” said Jacky.
“Just don’t be like your mom,” added Kayla. “I mean like if you end up looking like her. You tell me she’s always
complaining about them.”
complaining about them.”
“Actually…she’s getting implants.”
"You know, I just can’t get used to it,” Kayla said.
“Me neither,” Avery agreed. Kayla was over at Avery’s, so their parents could chat with their iced teas.
The two of them were in Avery’s room, away from all the adults. “It’s weird, isn’t it?”
The two of them were in Avery’s room, away from all the adults. “It’s weird, isn’t it?”
“Super weird.”
“You know she’s not used to them either. She keeps bumping into stuff. She’s broken a lot of glasses.”
Kayla laughed out loud.
“She’s like, ‘Sorry, my bad.’ It’s so annoying.”
Kayla laughed harder.
“The other day she bumped my head with them when she was reaching over the couch for the remote.”
“What do they feel like?”
“Like boobs, I guess. Just a little harder than usual I suppose.
Lorna and Michael lay in bed after taking full advantage of Avery being away at a sleepover.
“See, I told you it would be good for us.”
“It definitely seems to have boosted your libido.”
“It’s the confidence. I feel so much better now. So much sexier. Aren’t they wonderful?” Lorna asked while
shimmying them in his face.
shimmying them in his face.
“You know I liked the old girls too.”
“What other ones? I had nothing!”
“I don’t know. It’s just going to take some getting used to.”
“I wish you could be like a normal guy and like em’ big like all the others do. Tod, Jenny’s husband, won’t stop
staring! Why can’t you be like him.”
staring! Why can’t you be like him.”
“They look nice, honey, they do. It’ just, when I see them and I feel them, I like it, but I still know it’s not real.
I’m sorry. I don’t know what else to say.”
I’m sorry. I don’t know what else to say.”
“Avery, you’re being quiet. Is everything okay,” asked Avery’s father. They were at the table eating
scalloped potatoes and pork chops for dinner.
scalloped potatoes and pork chops for dinner.
“I don’t really want to talk about it.”
“Did something happen at school?”
“I said I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Hmm….so something did happen,” said Avery’s mother. “You know you can tell us dear.”
“Some stupid kids were being stupid.”
“That’s usually how the stupid ones are.”
“Michael, please. Be serious. This is important.”
“Sorry. Just trying to lighten the mood. Avery, you know you can tell me anything, but if you don’t want
to talk about it, you don’t have to.”
to talk about it, you don’t have to.”
“Some guys at school called me raisin tits.”
“Oh my god, honey, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s your fault!”
“My fault?”
“None of this happened until you got….those!”
“I don’t think it’s your mother’s fault.”
“What you think no one’s going to notice? All the kids are talking about them! ‘Hey Avery, why don’t
you get knockers like your mommy?’ ‘Hey Avery, I have a lot to carry. Why don’t you ask your mom for
some jugs?’”
you get knockers like your mommy?’ ‘Hey Avery, I have a lot to carry. Why don’t you ask your mom for
some jugs?’”
“Sweetie, I’m so sorry. If I had known…”
“Don’t pretend you wouldn’t have got them! You didn’t think about me at all!”
“Remember honey when I was asking you before?”
“No, you weren’t asking me. You just got them!”
“I’m sorry. Really, honey, I am.”
“They leave raisins in my locker!”
“I want to punch their faces in,” said her father.
“I’ll stop wearing the low-cut tops, if that helps at all.”
“I don’t even want to be seen in public with you! It’s too humiliating.”
Avery was crying hard now and it was unlike her to cry at all.
After dinner, Michael came into Avery’s room to check on her. She was still on her bed crying. It broke
his heart to see his daughter like this. He didn’t know what else to do, but he sat on the edge of her
bed and pet her head till Avery flung herself on him to cry on his shoulder.
his heart to see his daughter like this. He didn’t know what else to do, but he sat on the edge of her
bed and pet her head till Avery flung herself on him to cry on his shoulder.
“I know baby...” he said. “I don’t like them either.”
“Kayla, why have you been acting weird lately?”
The two girls were at lunch at school. Jacky was absent.
“Why have I been weird?”
“You haven’t invited me to your house in a couple of weeks. And I don’t know…I feel like you’re avoiding
“I’m sorry, it’s not you. I mean it’s not your fault.”
“What is?”
“I think my dad is having an affair.”
“What? How do you know?”
“I don’t really. It’s just a feeling.”
“But why?”
“Don’t you notice the way he looks when he sees her at church? It’s like they’re trying to keep a secret.
I don’t like it. That’s why I haven’t wanted to hang out. It bothers me and it’s weird that he keeps
suggesting I go over to you. He didn’t used to do that.”
I don’t like it. That’s why I haven’t wanted to hang out. It bothers me and it’s weird that he keeps
suggesting I go over to you. He didn’t used to do that.”
“Maybe it’s nothing.” Avery opened up her lunch bag. It wasn’t a surprise when she saw a bunch of
raisins scattered on the top. She shrugged and picked one up to eat.
raisins scattered on the top. She shrugged and picked one up to eat.
“Lorna, I want a divorce.” He said this late in the night when they were in the kitchen drinking a bottle of red
“Michael why are you saying this?”
“I looked through your phone. You have dozens of pictures of your breasts and I haven’t received a single one
of them.”
of them.”
“Those pictures are for me.”
“I know who you’re sending them to.”
“I keep those private, Michael.”
“You’re fucking Tod.” Lorna staggered at his harsh language. She had almost dropped her glass. “You don’t
have to deny it. I talked to Jenny. Tod confessed everything to her after she found your bra under the bed.
That’s why I looked through your phone.”
have to deny it. I talked to Jenny. Tod confessed everything to her after she found your bra under the bed.
That’s why I looked through your phone.”
“I’m sorry Michael. It’s just, I don’t feel like you accept the new me…and Tod does.”
“Well I’m divorcing you and both your breasts and I’m going to make sure you pay back every cent of what
those stupid things cost. Avery deserves better.”
those stupid things cost. Avery deserves better.”
Kayla and Avery eventually became step-sisters, which made Jacky sometimes act jealous. But at least Jacky’s
parents were still together, so there’s that. But we don’t really care about Jacky in this story, do we? What we
want to know is if Avery ended up developing breasts or not. The answer is, no, she didn’t, but she had what
she felt was enough and that was just enough to squeeze. She lived a happy, healthy life and spent more time
with her dad than she did with her mom. But at least when she was with her mom it was like getting to have a
sleepover every single time with her best friend. Although sometimes her and Kayla got very bothered by the
noises they made. After nights like these they’d have sleepovers at Jacky’s. So really it worked out in the end.
parents were still together, so there’s that. But we don’t really care about Jacky in this story, do we? What we
want to know is if Avery ended up developing breasts or not. The answer is, no, she didn’t, but she had what
she felt was enough and that was just enough to squeeze. She lived a happy, healthy life and spent more time
with her dad than she did with her mom. But at least when she was with her mom it was like getting to have a
sleepover every single time with her best friend. Although sometimes her and Kayla got very bothered by the
noises they made. After nights like these they’d have sleepovers at Jacky’s. So really it worked out in the end.
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